Retirement Planning
Retirement Accumulation and Distribution Planning
Proper retirement planning provides you with the security of knowing that you can enjoy your retirement lifestyle and never run out of funds. Distribution portfolios must be designed and managed differently than accumulation portfolios. Factors such as sequence of return risk, inflation risk, spending levels, and longevity risk need to be addressed in distribution portfolios but don’t usually need to be considered in accumulation portfolios.
Once you reach retirement, we will provide ongoing counsel regarding the proper structure of your distribution portfolio and guidance on how to best receive your distribution.
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Retirement Plan Design, Compliance, and Maintenance for Employers
As the Plan Sponsor (employer), you are subject to a fiduciary standard: this requires you to understand and be aware of plan fees, investment options, performance, and plan compliance. You’re responsible for ensuring employees are educated about the features of the plan, plan fees, investment options and saving for their retirement. You also need to ensure that a well-documented process is in place and consistently followed when fulfilling these duties.
As Financial Advisor for your plan, we can help you with these responsibilities by providing guidance, structure and the support team to meet your obligations.
Download Resources
Plan Sponsor/Fiduciary 401(k) Review
The Waterford process for employers
Evaluate a current plan for a Plan Sponsor
- Gather data/analysis
- Evaluate providers/obtain and review requests for proposal
- Plan conversion
- Ongoing monitoring and compliance
Plan design, compliance and maintenance
- Proper plan design
- Appropriate pricing
- Meet fiduciary duties
- Conduct annual meetings to fulfill compliance requirements
- Address concerns/opportunities for continuous improvement
Investment selection and monitoring/employee education
- Investment options/design and monitoring
- Investment Policy Statement
- 404(c) compliance
- Employee enrollment and education
Social Security
Optimization Strategies
For Social Security Optimization Strategies,
please contact us for more information.